Monday, September 19, 2016

¡Viva México!

   It has been an exciting month here at Casa Hogar! Mostly because we recently celebrate Mexican Independence Day. We were able to go to Jesús de Nazaret and celebrate with the church body by watching native dances, eating traditional Mexican food, and of course shouting "Viva Mexico" many times. It was a great time celebrating this country. Of course the kids also enjoyed having Friday off and an extended weekend because of it. We spent the weekend playing lots of soccer and enjoying each others fellowship. 
   We are so excited at how close the boys are to moving into the new building! As you can see it is a beautiful building. Praise the Lord for such a wonderful gift! Thank you to all of you who have helped see that this building gets built and made. The boys will officially move in at the beginning of October as the finishing touches are being put on now. Please pray for the transition to the new building. Pray that we would be able to move everything efficiently and that everything would go smoothly.
   Thank you to all of you how have prayed for and supported this wonderful place. The Lord truly is moving and working in Casa Hogar. Please continue to pray for all of the kids and the leaders here. Pray that the Lord would continue to bless this place and continue to use this place to show His glory. Praise be to the Lord for His daily mercies and blessings!